Security of Residence Facilities
Individuals found propping doors open in any residence facility will be found in violation of University policy. Sanctions may include fines of up to $100.00.

Visiting Hours
SPECIAL NOTICE: Until further notice there are NO VISITORS allowed in any UD campus-owned residence hall or housing unit. In addition, only individuals assigned to a particular floor, pod, apartment, townhouse, or campus house may be in that particular housing unit. Residents from various floors, pods, etc. may meet in common areas as long as everyone is properly wearing a face covering (covers mouth and nose). Violators are subject to disciplinary sanctions. This policy is for the well-being of the entire campus community.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Until further notice, NO GUESTS are allowed at any time inside a residence hall. Violators are subject to disciplinary sanctions. This policy is for the well-being of the entire campus community.

Windows and Window Screens
Screens and windows should remain in their affixed position. Under no circumstances should any window or screen be removed. Anything thrown out of the window of any residence facility will be considered a violation of University policy.

Searches and Seizures
In the interest of maintaining an environment that facilitates scholarship and provides for the health and safety of resident students, the University reserves the right when necessary, for authorized University personnel to enter or search a University-owned room, apartment, townhouse or house. The regulation applies to all living units under the administration control of the University of Dubuque. Nothing in this policy shall exist to prevent police officers from entering rooms or searching and seizing in accordance with applicable statutes, policies, rules and regulations.

Illegal Entry
Students, guests and all other unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering any University building or room, including residence units, as well as University owned or individually owned vehicles without expressed permission from an authorized University official, faculty or staff member or resident of such housing unit or vehicle.

Quiet Hours
The following quiet hours are enforced in the residence facilities:

10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.- nights preceding class days
11:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.- nights not preceding class days

Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. Residents are expected to be aware of other above and/or below them or next to them. Residents are expected to be respectful of other residents' needs to study and rest.

Noise Ordinance: Outside Campus Events
For outside events held within the University of Dubuque campus perimeter, a City of Dubuque permit may be required.

Please contact the Office of Scheduling and Event Planning to discuss at ext. 3868 or 563.589.3868.