Tre Moss (C'21), Psychology
'Hello! My name is Tre Moss and I'm from Rockford, Illinois. I am a psychology major at the University of Dubuque and plan on graduating in May 2021. I am passionate about mental health and am the president of the UD Active Minds organization on campus. I enjoy meeting and connecting with people, spreading positivity, and shining a light for others.
UD has been an important part of my life. It has taught me a lot about being my authentic self and has prepared me to go into the world ready to learn new things and make an impact. I am thankful for the amazing opportunities and resources provided at UD - one of my favorite things is TRIO-Student Support Services, in addition to the amazing faculty and staff I've met.
I am extremely grateful for the scholarship support I've received.
There have been many trials and obstacles that I have faced in life. To those who have invested in me, your support is something I'll forever be thankful for. Without your scholarship support, I wouldn't be here. You have been a shining light in my life. Thank you!"

Morgan Meerstein (C'21), Sports Marketing Management and Human Resource Management
"Hi! My name is Morgan Meerstein and I am a senior at the University of Dubuque double majoring in sport marketing management and human resource management. I am from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
I chose UD because of the campus size and what it had to offer. I attended a small high school and was looking for a campus that had that same hometown feel. I found that and more at UD.
I am so thankful for where God has placed me - UD has been an experience of a lifetime.
My time at UD has been amazing. I have learned so much and have been able to participate in campus life in ways I had hoped to and in many ways I hadn't even imagined. Having the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people has taught me a lot about myself and the life I want to continue living.
The scholarships I've received as a student have been vital to me staying in school and keeping me on track to graduate on time. To those that have invested in me and my future, - thank you for being a part of keeping me on course and caring about me and my education.
I will be coming out of college with one foot in the door. I promise I will be leading a life of worth and purpose because of my UD experience. I will be forever grateful for those who have made an impact on my life."

Emily Dlugosz (C'21), Nursing
"Hello. My name is Emily Dlugosz, and I'm from Lockport, Illinois. I'm a senior in the nursing program at University of Dubuque. I speak fluent Polish, and I'm a first-generation college student.
Most of my family came to the United States from Poland before I was born, including my two older sisters. The idea of college was an unfamiliar concept to my family and financial aid was as foreign as we were! Neither my parents or my older sisters attended college, and our financial status left us wondering if college would be possible for me. I wanted to be an example for my younger sisters, nieces, and nephews and show them that there are other options in life and that they can further their education.
The scholarships I've received have helped me pave a new path as a first-generation student and as a role model.
The scholarships I've received at UD have allowed me to focus on my education and worry less about things like if I've worked enough hours this week or my weakly meal budget. Without the scholarships I've received, my education would not even be possible and I wouldn't be on the path to my dream career in pediatric nursing.
Thank you to all the investors who have invested in a student's education. Your investment, no matter the size, is important and doesn't go unnoticed by those that receive it."
Your investment makes a difference and helps change the lives of UD students. Thank you!