Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
(partial compliance of A3.14f,g)

Projected Costs
  Academic Year 2021-2022: $92,000

  Academic Year 2021-2022 

Approximate program fees are as follows:
  Year 1: $3200
  Year 2: $1475
  Year 3: $1370
  Total:   $6040 

Fees are mandatory and will be collected by either UD or third-party vendors. Fees are subject to change based on vendors.

Items covered include:

  • Electronic access to ClinicalKey, UpToDate, Access Medicine and select textbooks. Other, limited, textbooks must be purchased by the student.
  • Program-issued laptop
  • ACLS, HIPAA, and OSHA certification
  • Software required for virtual patient cases, patient logging, and exams
  • Review Course and Capstone fees
  • Professional organization membership (AAPA and IPAS)
  • Clinical Assessment and Skills equipment (paid directly to vendor)
  • Screening fees (criminal background check and urine drug screen)
  • Institutional technology, arts, and health center fee
  • Orientation fees

Note: Students may be required to repeat the urine drug screen and background check again throughout the clinical phase of training depending on the clinical site where the student is assigned. The student is responsible for this cost.

Additional Expenses
Additional expenses, not charged by the University, that may vary from student to student include rent and utilities, meals, and transportation. Expenses related to travel and housing should be expected during the clinical phase. Based on the campus location, students should expect to travel to rotations within the tri-state area. It is not uncommon for students to drive 100 miles (or 90 minutes) to local rotations. 

For further breakdown of costs, CLICK HERE.

For information on our refund policy please view the following link: UD Refund Policy (partial compliance of A1.02k)

Loan Repayment Options:
There are several loan-repayment programs that offer partial or full repayment of college loans. The American Association of Medical Colleges provides a database to search loan repayment/forgiveness and scholarship programs.

Specifically in Iowa, the Primary Care Recruitment and Retention Endeavor offers two-year grants when PA's work in a health professional shortage area. MSPAS students may be eligible for low-interest federal student loans.