Rev. Dr. Jeffrey F. Bullock arrived at University of Dubuque in 1996. He served as dean of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and vice president of the University. On June 1, 1998, he began his term as the 11th president of University of Dubuque. He also holds a faculty position as professor of hermeneutics and homiletics.

During his presidency, UD has gone through a dramatic transformation from a struggling university to an institution recognized among its peers. Enrollment has grown from 600 to over 2,300 undergraduate, graduate, and seminary students. Nearly $300 million has been invested in new and renovated campus infrastructure including a health center set to open fall 2020. In addition, the University has opened Learning Institute for Fulfillment and Engagement (LIFE) sites specifically designed for adult learners in Dubuque, Iowa; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and Tempe, Arizona.

Dr. Bullock holds a bachelor of arts from Seattle Pacific University, a master of divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and a master of arts and doctor of philosophy in speech communication from the University of Washington. As a Presbyterian minister, he served congregations in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, and Seattle, Washington.

Dr. Bullock is involved on numerous community boards as well as academic and ecclesial organizations including A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co., Paxton-Patterson Publishing, Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, Iowa College Foundation, Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the Committee on Theological Education, and American Rivers Conference. He is an active blogger on the topic of leadership at Dr. Bullock has also published numerous articles and lectures. In 1998, his book, Preaching with a Cupped Ear: Hans-Georg Gadamer;s Philosophical Hermeneutics as Post-Modern Wor(l)d, was published.

Dr. Bullock and his wife, Dana, have three sons, Noah, Luke, and Seth.