Vocation, Career Services, & Community Engagement
The University of Dubuque's Office of Vocation, Career Services, and Community Engagement is here to help students utilize resources in preparation for their chosen vocation and future endeavors. Whether you are exploring careers, looking for engagement opportunities, applying for an internship, or considering graduate school, we provide support for whatever phase you are on in your educational journey. Through consultations, virtual resources, and meaningful community connections, you will feel prepared for your next step. Your journey starts today!
List of Services
Below are several services our office can assist with. Appointments with the professional staff can be scheduled using Handshake. If what you are looking for is not listed, please contact us at career@dbq.edu to help get you started!
Resume and Cover Letter Development and Reviews
Our professional staff is available to support you in the development and fine-tuning of your resume and cover letter as you prepare to apply for jobs, internships, and other opportunities. We offer individual consultations to ensure your resume is employer ready! We also collaborate with academic departments, student organizations, and athletic teams to provide presentations and workshops to help groups of students.
Mock Interviews
Students have the opportunity to prepare for upcoming interviews through a simulated interview experience. Local and regional professionals donate their time to provide students with feedback on interview skills and a critique of the student's resume, including strengths and weaknesses. Mock interviews with employers are through collaboration with academic departments and are part of a course. Our professional staff also offers interview preparation sessions to practice interview questions and receive feedback.
Vocational Counseling
Through a confidential setting either facet-to-face or a virtual forum, we provide support and assistance to students struggling with their vocational calling. Assessment(s), goals and objectives are reviewed. Students often return for another session. Career Counseling services are free to students.
Career Assessments
We also provide assistance to students and alumni to review their interests, skills, and values relevant to vocational choices. Complete the Career Cruising assessment and schedule a consultation with our professional staff to discuss the results and next steps.
Annual Career Week
Each spring term a series of informational sessions and opportunities are provided to students to focus on professional development, networking, and various opportunities for engagement and experiences. Sessions may include: Preparing for Life After College Series; How to Utilize Handshake; Understanding Credit; LinkedIn; Study Abroad Opportunities; Optional Practical Training for International Students; AmeriCorps and Peace Corps Informational Sessions; and Resume/Cover Letter Best Practices. Schedules and registration information will be available on Handshake as the event approaches.
Next Up Young Professionals (NuYP)
NuYP is a college chapter designed to bring together a diverse group of dedicated and talented individuals wanting to expand their personal and professional networks. Vocation, Career Services, and Community Engagement actively collaborates with NuYP advisors and student organization members. Activities and events are scheduled throughout the academic year. Please contact the Office of Vocation, Career Services, and Community Engagement to learn more about this organization and opportunities throughout the academic year.
Consultation and Guide for Considering Graduate or Professional School
We can help review the application process, school/program selection, make recommendations and assess requirements identified by the school/program. We can also help with information regarding test preparation material and registration, if required through the application process. Students interested in attending graduate studies in the Health Professions should review the Health Professions Advising page or contact Kendall Loggins, Health Professions Advisor at kloggins@dbq.edu or 563.589.3497.
Graduate/Professional School Resources
Access Dubuque Fall Career Fair
In collaboration with area employers, Clarke University, Loras College, Northeast Iowa Community College, and the University of Dubuque, the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation facilitates this fall event. Advanced registration is required of employers. This event promotes internship and employment opportunities.
Iowa College Recruiting Network (ICORN)
UD's Vocation, Career Services, and Community Engagement is a member of the Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities and participates in ICORN, which assists students of Iowa's private college and universities find internships and post-college employment. The recruiting network connects over 50,000 students with internships and careers through networking opportunities, internship and job postings, and interview events.
There are two recruiting events held during the academic year through ICORN.
Accounting Interview Day
The Recruiting Network has hosted this annual interview event in early Fall to help publicly and privately held companies recruit accounting/finance students for both full-time and internship opportunities.
Spring Interview Day
Since its inception in 1984, the Recruiting Network has hosted centralized interview days designed to connect employers from all industries with students from its member schools. In this spring interview day, participating employers review applications from the participating schools and they preselect students to interview in one day at one location.