Our mission is to prepare competent and compassionate physician assistants in a learning environment promoting Christian values, service, the pursuit of life-long education, and team practice. We share the University of Dubuque's commitment to:

  • A hospitable Christian environment which respects other faith traditions;
  • Relationships which encourage intellectual, spiritual, and moral development;
  • Excellence in academic inquiry and professional preparation;
  • A diverse and equitable community where Christian love is practiced;
  • Stewardship of all God's human and natural resources;
  • Zeal for life-long learning and service.

The Vision of the program is to prepare students to improve patient outcomes in rural populations by developing exceptional primary care PAs by the completion of the program.

The Goals of the program are to:

  • Graduate competent physician assistants. (PLO 1, PLO 5, PLO 6)
  • Cultivate compassionate health care providers. (PLO 2, PLO 3, PLO 4)
  • Provide a supportive and engaging learning environment. (PLO 2, PLO 4)
  • Model volunteerism and provide opportunities for service. (PLO 5)

The program will assess progress towards these goals on a yearly basis with internal reports covering enrollment, exam scores, student and faculty evaluations, and a graduate survey. Benchmarks for each of these reports have been established, and adjustments/modifications will be made as needed.

Our conduct, ideals and ethics are based on these Values:

  • Integrity
  • Diversity
  • Competence
  • Compassion
  • Scholarship

Achievement of Program Goals (partial compliance of A3.14b)

View the attached document to see how the UD MSPAS program is achieving its program goals: Physician Assistant Program Goals 2020-2021

Graduation Rate


Graduated Classes

     Class of 2018       Class of 2019       Class of 2020   
  Maximum entering class size     
  (as approved by ARC-PA)
25 25 30
  Entering class size 25 25 27
  Graduates 23 22 26
  * Attrition rate .08 .12 .04
  ** Graduation rate .92 .88 .96