The Digital Art and Design program teaches students visual and technical skills, such as design principles, digital art creation, animation, and web development, to create interactive projects in the digital environment. Upon completion of the major, students will be able to:

  • Present work that demonstrates perceptual acuity, conceptual understanding, and technical facility at a professional level.
  • Illustrate familiarity of historical achievements, current major issues, processes, and directions within their field and the ability to place works into proper contexts.
  • Select and utilize technology tools effectively in a variety of artistic and design media for the creation, reproduction, and distribution of visual messages.
  • Select and utilize technology tools effectively and ethically by examining the use of fonts, use of illustrations/images, use of software, use of copyright/trademark issues, and standards of professional practice in a variety of artistic and design media for the creation, reproduction, and distribution of visual messages by displaying a personal aesthetic in the community.
  • Develop, design, and create graphic art as an effective and informed tool of communication.
  • Integrate principles of visual organization, composition, information hierarchy, and aesthetics.
  • Synthesize and utilize different theories, processes, and media components to create and develop digitally-based visual forms.