Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

Professional Education Core (ALL EDUCATION MAJORS)
*(Admission to Teacher Education is required for all 300 and 400 Level Courses)

  • EDU 100: Introduction to Education (2) - 10 hours of school-related service learning
  • EDU 119: Human Relations (3)
  • EDU 200: Foundations of Education (3) - 20 hours of field experience
  • EDU 202: Introduction to Inclusion, K-12 (3) - 10 hours of field experience.
  • EDU 240: Learning and Teaching Processes (3)
  • *EDU 303: Reading & Writing in the Content Areas (3)
  • *EDU 310: Assessment of Regular & Exceptional Learners, K-12 (2)
  • *EDU 318: (ESOL) Literacy & Language Diversity (3)
  • *EDU 352: Technology in Education (2)
  • *EDU 401: Portfolios (no credit)

Content Core
Secondary Education Major *Can only be taken after admission to Teacher Education

  • *EDU 360: Middle School Methods and Materials (School-based exp. 40 hours)
  • *EDU 351: Special Secondary Methods and Materials (School-based exp. 40 hours)

Additional specific content courses listed by endorsement below.

Professional Term *Can only be taken after admission to Teacher Education

  • *EDU 452: Student Teaching in the Secondary School
  • *EDU 495: Education Leadership Seminar

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]

Endoresement Areas
In addition to the Professional Education courses required of all Education majors, each Secondary Education major would select one or more endorsement areas.

English/Language Arts, 5-12

English/Language Arts, 5-12 (36 credit hours)

  • THEA 220: Storytelling & Performing Literature
  • ENG 201: Foundations of Literary Studies
  • ENG 350: Advanced Composition
  • ENG 230: Modern Grammar
  • EDU 303: Reading & Writing in the Content Areas (Part of Professional Education Core)

American Literature - Two courses including at least one survey:

  • ENG 321: American Literature Survey I or ENG 323: American Literature Survey II
    And choice of one:
  • ENG 325: Selected U.S. Writers
  • ENG 260: Literature & Culture (if taught with a focus on American Lit.)
  • ENG 357: Topics (if taught with a focus on American Lit.)

British Literature - One survey and Shakespeare:

  • ENG 311: English Literature Survey I or ENG 313: English Literature Survey II
  • ENG 312: Shakespeare
  • ENG 308: Adolescent Literature
  • ENG 331: Studies in Global Literature
  • ENG 495: English Seminar

Math in Secondary Education, 5-12

Math in Secondary Education, 5-12 (24-25 credit hours)

  • MATH 230: Introduction to Statistics
  • MATH 250: Calculus I: Differential Calculus
  • MATH 260: Calculus II: Integral Calculus
  • MATH 270: Discrete Mathematics
  • MATH 330: Modern Geometry
  • MATH 345: Linear Algebra
  • CIS 215: Programming Fundamentals with Java or (CIS 202 or 205 with modifications)

Basic Science in Secondary Education, 5-12

Basic Science in Secondary Education, 5-12, (32 credit hours)

  • BIO 135: General Zoology
  • BIO 136: General Botany
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 112: General Chemistry II
  • EVS 105: Intro to Environmental Science
  • ESC 115: Basic Physical Geology
  • PHY 151: General Physics I
  • PHY 152: General Physics II

Biology in Secondary Education, 5-12

Biology, 5-12 - Option 1 (36 credit hours)

  • BIO 135: General Zoology
  • BIO 136: General Botany
  • EVS 246: Ecology
  • BIO 211: Anatomy and Physiology or BIO 331: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 112: General Chemistry II
  • CHM 221: Organic Chemistry I
  • BIO 235: Cell Biology
  • BIO 236: Genetics


Biology, 5-12 - Option 2 (32 credit hours)

  • BIO 135: General Zoology
  • BIO 136: General Botany
  • BIO 236: Genetics
  • EVS 246: Ecology
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • EVS 105: Intro to Environmental Science
  • ESC 115: Basic Physical Geology
  • EVS 333: Geographical Information Systems Applications or EVS 248: Environmental Geology

Chemistry in Secondary Education, 5-12

Chemistry, 5-12 - Option 1 (24 credit hours)

  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 112: General Chemistry II
  • CHM 221: Organic Chemistry I
  • CHM 222: Organic Chemistry II

   AND an additional 8 hours from:

  • CHM 331: Biochemistry I
  • CHM 241: Analytical Chemistry
  • CHM 338: Instrumental Analysis
  • EVS 247: Environmental Chemistry

Chemistry, 5-12 - Option 2 (36 credit hours)

  • BIO 135: General Zoology or BIO 136: General Botany
  • PHY 151: Physics I
  • PHY 152: Physics II
  • ESC 115: Basic Physical Geology
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 112: General Chemistry II
  • CHM 221: Organic Chemistry I
  • CHM 222: Organic Chemistry II

   AND one course from:

  • CHM 331: Biochemistry I or
  • EVS 247: Environmental Chemistry

All Science in Secondary Education, 5-12

All Science, 5-12 (47-48 credit hours)

  • BIO 135: General Zoology
  • BIO 136: General Botany
  • BIO 140: Evolution or BIO 235: Cell Biology or BIO 236: Genetics
  • EVS 105: Intro to Environmental Science
  • ESC 115: Basic Physical Geology
  • EVS 248: Environmental Geology or EVS 333: Geographic Info Systems Appl or ESC 214: Meteorology
  • PHY 151: General Physics I
  • PHY 152: General Physics II
  • PHY 357: Physics Special Topics
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 112: General Chemistry II
  • CHM 221: Organic Chemistry I