Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

The English major requires 36 credit hours and may be completed with an emphasis on either literature or writing. Students may also choose to complete both concentrations.

Literature Concentration

Required Courses (24 credits):

  • ENG 201: Foundations of Literary Studies (3)
  • ENG 251: Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
  • ENG 260: Literature and Culture (3)
  • ENG 312: Shakespeare (3)
  • A Survey in British Literature (3)
    ENG 311: British Literature Survey I OR ENG 313: British Literature Survey II
  • A Survey in American Literature (3)
    ENG 321: American Literature Survey I OR ENG 323: American Literature Survey II
  • ENG 331: Studies in Global Literature (3)
  • ENG 495: Seminar (3)

Distribution Requirements* (minimum 12 credits):
Each of the following areas must be satisfied

  • A Focused Course in American Literature (3)
    • ENG 325: Selected U.S. Writers
    • ENG 260: Literature and Culture, when taught with an American literature focus.
    • ENG 357: English Topics when taught with an American literature focus.
  • A Focused Course in British Literature (3)
    • ENG 315: Selected British Writers
    • ENG 260: Literature and Culture, when taught with a British literature focus
    • ENG 357: English Topics when taught with a British literature focus
  • Writing (3)
    • BAC 340: Effective Communication in Business
    • ENG 218: Journalism
    • ENG 341: Scientific and Technical Writing
    • ENG 350: Advanced Composition
    • ENG 351: Poetry Writing
    • ENG 352: Fiction Writing
    • ENG 485: Internship
  • A Contemporary Course (3)
    • ENG 301: 20th/21st Century Drama
    • ENG 302: 20th/21st Century Poetry
    • ENG 303: 20th/21st Century Fiction
  • A Minority Literature Course (3)
    • ENG 260: Literature and Culture, when taught with a minority literature focus (e.g., Harlem Renaissance)
    • ENG 325: Selected U.S. Writers (e.g., Slave Narratives)
    • Any ENG course with a focus on the literature of American minorities

*It is possible for courses to double or even triple count to cover distribution requirements. For example, a student taking ENG 260: Harlem Renaissance would meet the requirement for a Literature and Culture course, for a focused course in American literature, and for a minority literature course. Double counting does not alter the total number of credits required; it simply creates more elective options.

Electives - If the above requirements are satisfied with fewer than 36 hours of English credits, students may take any other 200 or 300 level English course to reach the total number of hours required.

Writing Concentration

  • Required Courses (24 credits)
    • ENG 201: Foundations of Literary Studies (3)
    • ENG 230: Modern Grammar (3)
    • ENG 251: Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
    • ENG 312: Shakespeare (3)
    • ENG 350: Advanced Composition (3)
    • ENG 485: English Internship (3)
    • ENG 495: Seminar (3)
    • COM 354: Language and Social Identity (3)
  • Survey Courses (6 credits - courses from 2 different areas)
    • ENG 311: English Literature Survey I (3) OR ENG 313: English Literature Survey II (3)
    • ENG 321: American Literature Survey I (3) OR ENG 323: American Literature Survey II (3)
    • ENG 331: Studies in Global Literature (3)
  • Writing Electives (6 credits)
    • BAC 340: Effective Communication in Business (3)
    • ENG 218: Journalism (3)
    • ENG 341: Scientific and Technical Writing (3)
    • ENG 351: Poetry Writing (3)
    • ENG 352: Fiction Writing (3)

The English minor consists of 18 credits as follows:

  • ENG 112 (3) OR ENG 260 (3)
  • ENG 201: Foundations of Literary Studies (3)
  • Four additional English courses (ENG), numbered above 201.

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]