Chemistry is a foundational study of the exciting properties, interactions, and transformations of matter. At the University of Dubuque, your studies will take you into the“central science� through the exploration of analytical, environmental, physical, organic, and biochemistry. You will leave ready to pursue a career in research, industry, forensics, and in the medical field (e.g. medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology).
Making a Difference Through the Study of the Composition of the World Around You
Students and faculty at UD are active in a wide range of applied and theoretical research areas. Their work contributes to our understanding of protein function, novel organic synthetic methods, and the toxicology of compounds on the surface of microplastics. They have identified enzymes with unusual temperature dependent activities, facilitated the use of engineering design techniques into the classroom, developed new chemical reactions to aid in assessing pharmaceutical compounds, and contributed to our overall understanding of chemical phenomenon that impacts our everyday lives.
Degree Distinctive
- Students have the opportunity to pursue their own research project under the supervision of a faculty member. All chemistry courses include a significant laboratory component to provide students with experience using multiple instruments and performing multiple analyses.
- Student-faculty research is strongly encouraged, and opportunities for such are available across a wide variety of chemistry topics in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry.
- A major theme in the program is chemical and laboratory safety, as well as the consideration of the impact on the environment that chemical use entails.
Career Opportunities
Examples of specific careers often held by bachelor of science chemists are laboratory technician or chemist in quality control or assurance, chemical and process development research, synthesis research, or clinical laboratories; laboratory manager in quality laboratories; chemical or pharmaceutical sales representative; and high school chemistry teacher.
Examples of specific careers often held by chemists with a post-graduate degree are lead scientist in product or analytical development, principle researcher in primary research projects, group leader or manager in the chemical or pharmaceutical industries, project director at contract research organizations, and university professor.
Wolter Woods and Prairies
One opportunity students have to study the world around them is to perform research at the University's Wolter Woods and Prairies Environmental Stewardship and Retreat Center. Located near Sherrill, Iowa, about 20 miles from the University of Dubuque's main campus, Wolter Woods and Prairies is 121 acres of unglaciated land. The property was purchase by UD in 2020 and is home to a variety of mammals including fox, otters, and minks, over 90 species of birds like the yellow-billed cuckoo, owls, and pileated woodpeckers, three orchid species, and the threatened and endangered amethyst shooting star. Through fellowships, research projects include bat, bumblebee, flying squirrel, insect, orchid, small rodent, snake, and soil research. The property was also the site for class projects like GPS or water testing and service projects conducted by UD Web of Life and UD Fishing Club.
Chlapaty and Butler Fellowship Programs
Coming Soon
Natural and Applied Sciences Faculty/Staff
Amandeep AroraAssistant Professor of Chemistry
Phone: 563.589.3498 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: AArora@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 104E University Science Center
PhD, Oklahoma State University; MS, Guru Nanak Dev University; BSed, Panjab University; BS, Panjab University.
Bindu BalakrishnanAssistant Professor of Neurophysiology
Phone: 563.589.3261 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: BBalakrishnan@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 104D University Science Center
PhD, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences - India; MSc, Kasturba Medical College.
Joshua ChamberlandStewardship and Sustainability Coordinator for Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Phone: 563.589.3752 Email: JChamberland@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 317 University Science Center
MAC, University of Dubuque; BS, University of Cincinnati

Dale EasleyProfessor of Geology
Phone: 563.589.3639 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: DEasley@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 104B University Science Center
PhD, University of Wyoming; MS, University of Wyoming; BS, Guilford College.

Kelly GrussendorfAssociate Professor of Biology
Phone: 563.589.3149 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: KGrussendorf@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 230B University Science Center
PhD, University of Kansas; BA, Minnesota State University - Moorhead.

Adam HoffmanDepartment of Natural and Applied Sciences Head Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Phone: 563.589.3746 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: AHoffman@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 204E University Science Center
PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison; BA, University of Minnesota - Morris.

Lalith JayawickramaTeaching Specialist - Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Phone: 563.589.3148 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: LalithJ@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 317 University Science Center
MS, University of Delaware; BS, Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Adam KleinschmitAssociate Professor of Biology
Phone: 563.589.3142 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: AKleinschmit@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 204A University Science Center
PhD, University of Minnesota; BS, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

David KochAssociate Professor of Environmental Science
Phone: 563.589.3598 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: DKoch@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 204B University Science Center
PhD, Kansas State University; MS, Kansas State University; BS, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Rasika Mudalige-JayawickramaProfessor of Plant Biology
Phone: 563.589.3144 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: RMudalig@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 104C University Science Center
PhD, University of Hawaii; MS, Louisiana State University; BS, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Eric NieEnvironmental Specialist of Wolter Woods and Prairies
Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: Enie@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences

Mark SintonAssociate Professor of Chemistry
Phone: 563.589.3153 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: MSinton@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 204C University Science Center
PhD, Michigan State University; MS, University of Denver; BA, University of Denver.
Richard SmithAssistant Professor of Physics
Phone: 563.589.3146 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: RWSmith@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 230C University Science Center
MA, Mankato State University; BS, University of Dubuque.

Ken Turner, Jr.Associate Professor of Science Education
Phone: 563.589.3799 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: KTurner@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 104C University Science Center
EDD, National Louis University; MAT, DePauw University; BA, Valparaiso University.

Gerald ZuercherProfessor of Biology & Vertebrate Ecology
Phone: 563.589.3147 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: GZuerche@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 309A University Science Center
PhD, Kansas State University; MS, University of Alaska - Fairbanks; BS, Mississippi State University.

Michele ZuercherTeaching Specialist, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Phone: 563.589.3151 Fax: 563.589.3688 Email: MZuercher@dbq.edu Department: Natural and Applied Sciences Office: 230A University Science Center
MS, Mississippi State University; BS, Mississippi State University.