Nursing is the study of the care of patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. At the University of Dubuque, your studies will take you into the world of nursing knowledge, theory, and research. In addition, nursing practice derives knowledge from a wide array of other fields and professions, adapting and applying this knowledge as appropriate to professional practice (2008, AACN Essentials). You will leave ready to build a career in a wide variety of roles and across all environments, monitoring and managing all aspects of care.
Making a Difference Through the Study of Nursing
Students and faculty at UD are active in the skills and simulation labs and in patient care settings. Their work contributes to the advancement of quality patient care as they provide direct care in the surrounding region, and they participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of research evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes. They have developed evidence based practice projects that have shown linkages among practice, research, patient outcomes, and cost containment.
Degree Distinctive
What is distinctive about a degree in Nursing at the University of Dubuque?
- The nursing curriculum is based on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) report, with its focus on ensuring quality health care, and the IOM's Health Professions Education (2003) report, which defined the five core competencies required for all health professionals practicing in the 21st century health care environment:
- Providing patient-centered care
- Working in interdisciplinary teams
- Employing evidence-based practice
- Applying quality improvement
- Utilizing informatics
- Clinical experiences in specialty care are highlighted to meet the demands of employers, while rotations in rural health provide support to under-served populations in the tri-state area.
- In the senior capstone course, students are paired with a practicing nurse for a 144-hour preceptorship in which they learn how to transition from the student role to the role of the professional nurse.
Career Opportunities
University of Dubuque nursing graduates often move directly into the health care field. Employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 15 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. Growth will occur for a number of reasons, including an increased emphasis on preventive care, growing rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes and obesity, and demand for health care services from the baby-boom population as they live longer and more active lives.
The baccalaureate degree in nursing at the University of Dubuque is approved by the Iowa Board of Nursing and is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202.887.6791. (Include the CCNE logo.)
The University of Dubuque is accredited by Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois, 60604, and the State of Iowa Department of Education.
Nursing Faculty/Staff

Linda HansonAssociate Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3434 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 304A University Science Center
MSEd, Capella University; MSN, Allen College.

Lisa KragenbrinkAssistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3573 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 309B University Science Center
MSN, Clarke University; BSN, University of Iowa.

Neil S. MacNaughtonNursing Department Head Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3701 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 304B University Science Center
PhD, University of Iowa; MA, University of Iowa; BSN, Graceland University.
Jacqueline MeyerProfessor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3403 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 304D University Science Center
PhD, Villanova University; MSN, University of Iowa; BSN, Clarke University.

Jill MulfordAssistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3249 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 304C University Science Center
MSN, Kaplan University; BSN, Coe College.

Beth NeyenAssistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3789 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 309C University Science Center
MSN, Clarke University; BSN, Clarke University.

Rebecca OhnesorgeAdministrative Assistant - Nursing Department
Phone: 563.589.3500 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 304 University Science Center

Kristine SteinbeckAssistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 563.589.3740 Fax: 563.589.3572 Email: Department: Nursing Office: 309D University Science Center
MSN, Walden University; BSN, Valparaiso University.