The mission of the Department of Philosophy, Politics, and History is oriented toward intellectual hospitality. We welcome and equip students to join a disciplined conversation about the human condition, about the obligations of citizenship, and about the power of history to shape our lives. Rather than mastering a specific body of content, we emphasize:

  • rigorous thinking,
  • attentive reading,
  • careful writing, and
  • diligent research.

These are the skills students need to listen carefully to what has already been said by others, to discern what is and is not part of the discussion, and to contribute their own voices. These foundational skills are crucial for lifelong learning.

The Department of Philosophy, Politics, and History offers the following majors and minors:
Philosophy and Ethics (Major / Minor)
Politics (Major)
African American Studies (Minor)
History (Minor)


Politics is the study of power, justice, and governance. At the University of Dubuque, your studies will take you into an abundance of ideas that make the world run – for better and for worse.

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History (Minor)

The History minor offers students the interdisciplinary opportunity to better understand their present through the past while positioning themselves for employment or graduate-level work. Students are encouraged to choose between the International Studies and Cultural Studies emphases, based upon their career objective.

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Philosophy and Ethics

The Philosophy and Ethics major is the study of critical, reflective thinking and the application of those skills to living a life of meaning and purpose. You will leave ready to build a career in many fields, such as law, business, public service, and leadership in for-profit and non-profit organizations.

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African American Studies (MINOR)

The African American Studies minor allows students the opportunity to understand the complex dynamics of race in America with a particular focus on experiences of African Americans. Students earning this minor will be equipped to think critically and sensitively about racial issues on individual, institutional, and societal levels.

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Financial Aid

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