Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

The Philosophy and Ethics major requires 30 credits as follows:

Required Foundational Courses (6 credits):

  • PHL 111: Big Questions in Philosophy and Ethics (3)
  • PHL 114: Logical Reasoning (3)

Philosophy Courses from the Following (6 credits):

  • PHL 118: Philosophy at the Movies (3)
  • PHL 261: World Philosophies (3)
  • PHL 355: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (3)
  • PHL 356: Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (3)
  • PHL 357: Special Topics in Philosophy (3)
  • PHL 485: Internship in Leadership and Service (1-3)
  • PHL 491: Independent Research and Writing (1-3)

Ethics Courses from the Following (6 credits):

  • PHL 115: Introduction to Ethics (3)
  • PHL 214: Environmental Ethics (3)
  • PHL 216: Business Ethics (3)
  • PHL 251: Comparative Religious Ethics (3)
  • PHL 270: Global Justice (3)
  • PHL 312: Ethics and Issues (3)
  • PHL 314: Political Theory (3)
  • REL 114: Christian Sexual Ethics (3)
  • REL 215: Christian Social Ethics (3)

Electives (6 credits) from the Philosophy or Ethics categories above OR the following course plus three credits from the Philosophy or Ethics categories:

  • PHL 428: Quest for Leadership (3)

    Required 400 Level Courses (6 credits):
  • PHL 475: Ethics in Community (3)
  • PHL 495: Senior Seminar (3)

The Philosophy and Ethics minor requires 21 credits chosen from all of the courses listed for the major and must include at least 6 credits from the philosophy courses and at least 6 credits from the ethics courses listed above.

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]