The African American Studies minor allows students the opportunity to understand the complex dynamics of race in America with a particular focus on experiences of African Americans. Students earning this minor will be equipped to think critically and sensitively about racial issues on individual, institutional, and societal levels. This minor is an asset in most fields of employment as it provides students with leadership skills to guide organizations to act with care around vexing racial issues.
Curriculum Requirements:
The African American Studies minor requires 15 credits as follows:
Required Courses (9 credits):
- HIST 234: African American History (3)
- HIST 365: African American Studies Practicum (3)
- THEO 260: Bible and Black Experience (3)
Choose 2 Elective Courses from this List (6 credits):
- COM 320: Intercultural Communication (3)
- EDU 119: Human Relation Skills for Teachers (3)
- ENG 260: Literature and Culture – The Harlem Renaissance (3)
- ENG 325: Selected U.S. Writers – The Slave Narrative (3)
- HIST 368: Iowa History Seminar (3)
- MUSC 236: Jazz History (3)
- PSY 363: Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)
- SCJ 317: Human Rights and Civil Liberties (3)
- SOC 202: Inequalities of Race, Class, and Gender (3)
- HIST 357: Special Topics (with advisor’s approval) (3)