Curriculum Requirements

All bachelor's degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours, inclusive of UD general education and major requirements as well as elective courses.

A Psychology major consists of 36 credit hours as follows:

  • PSY 110: Introduction to Psychology (3)
  • PSY 132: Critical Thinking (3)
  • PSY 220: Child Development (3) OR PSY 223: Adolescent Development (3) OR PSY 227: Adult Development and Aging (3)
  • PSY 230: Introduction to Statistics (3)
  • PSY 243: Using APA Format (1)
  • PSY 333: Research Methods in the Behavior Sciences (3)
  • PSY 337: Learning and Behavior (3) OR PSY 338: Cognition (3)
  • PSY 351: Theories of Personality (3)
  • PSY 363: Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)
  • PSY 485: Internship OR PSY 476 - Empirical Research Project (3)
  • PSY 495: Senior Seminar (3)
  • Five credit hours of electives in psychology to be determined by students and their advisors in accordance with the students' vocational goals.

It is recommended that Psychology majors take BIO 110: Human Biology (4). Electives may include courses offered at Clarke University and Loras College.

Note: The University of Dubuque offers both the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and the Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Students should confer with their faculty advisor as to which degree most suits their career plans.

A Psychology minor consists of 21 credit hours as follows:

  • PSY 110: Introduction to Psychology (3)
  • PSY 230: Introduction to Statistics (3)
  • PSY 333: Research Methods (3)
  • PSY 351: Theories of Personality (3)
  • Nine credit hours of electives

Four-Year Plan of Study [cross link to the Advising Page where all the 4-year plans for degrees would be "housed." The plans are PDFs.]