
Centered in the University's Mission and Values and consonant with its Reformed Christian identity, the Initiative engages the university community in a cooperative and spirited effort to foster intellectual understanding of and personal commitment to leading lives of purpose and excellent moral character.

In Short...

The Wendt Character Initiative promotes a campus culture of excellent moral character and purposeful lives.

By character, we mean we aim to become excellent people characterized by integrity, justice, and compassion.


The Initiative's Ten-year Character Alumni Survey demonstrates the program's significant impact on participants' lives while a student, as well as after graduation.

The NSSE survey data demonstrates that UD helps students grow above our comparison groups when it comes to:

  • Developing a personal code of values and ethics
  • Developing a deepened sense of spirituality
  • Community service or volunteer work
  • Participating in a community-based project (e.g., service learning) as part of a regular course.