About Campus Ministry
We hope you get a chance to see what we are all about! The most vibrant college ministry is a student-to-student ministry where you experience fellowship in Christ with your peers. So meet our wonderful student-leaders, and together we look forward to getting to know you! For now, there's a lot for you to explore regarding Campus Ministry's Mission and Values, our staff, and our history.
What makes the University of Dubuque Christian? And what is Campus Ministry?
Besides the Mission of the University of Dubuque, which all faculty and staff support, what makes this place Christian are Christians in this place. In other words, it is when Christian faculty, staff, and students live out their faith on this campus, and that is what we desire YOU to do! When Christ dwells in us and we have fellowship together in the Spirit, then truly campus becomes a sacred place.
All are welcome at UD, including people of different faiths or no faith tradition, and that is true of students as well as employees. For those who are Christian, we nurture our visible fellowship together so that we can encourage one another and together be a witness to who God is.
We invite you to learn more about Campus Ministry's , the , and at the University of Dubuque. More importantly, we hope you can connect with others in fellowship.
University of Dubuque Campus Ministry 2000 University Ave. Dubuque, IA 52001
Primary Contact
Email: UDMinistry@dbq.edu
Blades 203 and 103
Meet the Campus Ministry Staff

Rev. James GunnUniversity Chaplain and Dean of Chapel
Phone: 563.589.3582 Email: JGunn@dbq.edu Department: Campus Ministry Office: 203 Blades Hall

Emily EntsmingerDirector of Campus Ministries
Phone: 563.589.3557 Email: EEntsminger@dbq.edu Department: Campus Ministry Office: 203 Blades Hall
William BentleyInterim Pastor to Students and Director for Worship
Phone: 563.589.3540 Email: WBentley@dbq.edu Department: Campus Ministry Office: 103 Blades Hall