Contact Us

Annalee WardDirector of the Wendt Center for Character Education
Phone: 563.589.3715 Email: Department: Wendt Center for Character Education Office: 347 Charles & Romona Myers Center
Dr. Annalee Ward directs the Wendt Character Initiative, a campus-wide effort to promote excellent moral character and lives of purpose. She brings a passion for students and a love of learning to the work of guiding the various programs. After a long career as a professor of communication arts, her generalist background, interest in ethics, rhetoric, and popular culture, along with work on the art of preaching inform her work in the Center.
Her research interests are diverse, and currently she facilitates a research team that produces an online journal, Character and . . ..
Some of her publications include: Mouse Morality: The Rhetoric of Disney Animated Film; "The Tourist Gaze and the Church: Megachurch as Tourist Site;" "Gran Torino and Moral Order;" and "Multi-dimensional Media of Theme Parks and Museums."

Mary BryantAssistant Director of Programming & Media: Wendt Center for Character Education
Phone: 563.589.3440 Email: Department: Wendt Center for Character Education Office: 346 Charles and Romona Myers Center
Mary Bryant joined the University in 2015. She earned a BA in Biology, Theatre Arts, and German and an MFA in Comparative Literature - Translation from the University of Iowa.

Vanessa EspinosaAdministrative Assistant: Wendt Center for Character Education
Phone: 563.589.3440 Email: Department: Wendt Center for Character Education Office: 352 Charles and Romona Myers Center

Sasha ZainalGraduate Assistant: Wendt Center for Character Education
Phone: 563.589.3440 Email: Department: Wendt Center for Character Education Office: 352 Charles and Romona Myers Center