Our goal is not just to do good things but to be good people. For character is not just about what a person does, it is about what a person is.

Commitment to Service

Service proves an integral part of the Wendt Character Scholar experience. Not only does serving the community fulfill each scholar's commitment to the program, but it transforms their perspective and grows character. 

Every semester, each Wendt Character Scholar commits to 15 hours of community service. In 2018-19, our scholars completed 1,940 hours of service--going far above-and-beyond the 1,500 hours that were required of them. Wendt Character Scholars commit to service activities under the following guidelines:

  1. Our service should be something freely given; we don't accept pay for it.
  2. Our service is something that glorifies God and not ourselves.
  3. Our service benefits someone other than ourselves.

Our scholars' commitment to service says a lot about who they are: people who "demonstrate respect and care for others," and who view their vocation as scholars "as a God-given stewardship of opportunity to exercise creativity for the good of others and the world" (taken from the Scholar Pledge). In this way, they demonstrate that their character runs deeper than their actions. It defines who they are and shapes who they are becoming.

Where We Serve

Some organizations our scholars serve within the community include:

  • Circles Initiative (collecting food items and preparing/serving meals to the needy)
  • Dubuque Community Schools (as tutors, mentors, and coaches)
  • Dubuque Humane Society
  • Dubuque Rescue Mission (collecting food items and preparing/serving meals to the needy)
  • Local church and parish events
  • Make a Difference Day (national day of service)
  • Mentor Dubuque (formerly Big Brothers Big Sisters)
  • Mines of Spain
  • UD Campus Ministry, Athletics, and other campus groups
  • And more...